Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
Operating System: All
Platform: All
I am trying to implement an upload feature for our website by using struts.
Everything works fine except when I am trying to upload a file with size bigger
than I configured in the struts-config, all the parameters get lost after struts
decides the file size is too big. Since I am trying to redirect the user to a
page with some specific IDs, I will need some parameters to be replayed. So I
followed this class's code and tried to see how it gets lost. Here is wut happens:
in the function handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request) at line 166:
catch (DiskFileUpload.SizeLimitExceededException e)
{ // Special handling for uploads that are too big. request.setAttribute( MultipartRequestHandler.ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED, Boolean.TRUE); return; }So when the class get an SizeLimitExceededException from DiskFileUpload, it will
not try to replay the rest of the parameters. And as a result, I lost the
parameter I passed in for action class to redirect the response. Think it
through, I feel it's a struts bug rather than a commons file upload bug.
Because commons file upload should throw an exception when the file is too big
and struts still should replay the rest of the parameters and skip the file