Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Operating System: All
Platform: PC
I was wondering for months why running "ant compile" on the build.xml file that
comes with struts-blank web application always results in total recompilation
of the whole project regardless of file modification times etc.
At last I get bored with this (on a slow machine and a moderate project this
tirfle can become a real pain-in-the-ass) and decided to look more closely at
this stuff.
I found following task declaration in WEB-INF/src/build.xml of struts-blank.war
(that's both for struts 1.1 and 1.2.4):
<target name="compile" depends="prepare,resources">
<javac srcdir="src" destdir="classes">
<classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
That would result in following ant debug output:
[javac] java\app\ added as java/app/AppInitServlet.class
doesn't exist.
[javac] java\app\ added as
java/app/ConfigureAction.class doesn't exist.
However, if we write in the javac task srcdir="src/java", all goes pretty well.
As far as I understand things, source hierarchy should reside under "src/java"
directory, not "src".
Didn't looked for other wars bundled with struts installationg though, it may
be worth of an effort to check them as well.