as per as per Bug 31618, there seems to be a problem with looking up forms during
Anyway, as long as commons validator doesn't throw a ValidatorException, the
application programmer gets the exactly same result for the case when the form
has been properly validated and no errors have been found and the opposite case
where due to a configuration error (or programming error in the underlying jars)
no validation has been executed whatsoever.
Testing for the number of fields validated as per the suggestion in the above
referenced bug is one idea, probably there are other (better ways) to engineer this.
in order not to have to change the interface, at least a
log.debug(validatorResults.numbOfFieldsValidated + " fields have been validated
in form "+ super.getClass().getName());
in the ValidatorForm.validate() would be highly useful!, there seems to be a problem with looking up forms during
Anyway, as long as commons validator doesn't throw a ValidatorException, the
application programmer gets the exactly same result for the case when the form
has been properly validated and no errors have been found and the opposite case
where due to a configuration error (or programming error in the underlying jars)
no validation has been executed whatsoever.
Testing for the number of fields validated as per the suggestion in the above
referenced bug is one idea, probably there are other (better ways) to engineer this.
in order not to have to change the interface, at least a
log.debug(validatorResults.numbOfFieldsValidated + " fields have been validated
in form "+ super.getClass().getName());
in the ValidatorForm.validate() would be highly useful!