New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Abandoned
Set the status message as a string through the config.
Status message should display by itself if Nimbus is down, otherwise display on the top of the cluster UI
jasonjckn: One common issue is zookeeper goes down, it'd be nice if the status message reported ZK online/offline.
Also, the most common instant message I get are "when will it be up?" and "if I'm working on the problem" can the status message be dynamically set?
nathanmarz: We can just update the config file and have the UI reload the config each time it receives a request.
jasonjckn: In the situation where ZK is offline. I don't want to have to manually set the status message about ZK online/offline. I want to be the consumer of this information. It'd be great, if the error page was server rendered, and we did a quick ZK connect, to see if it exists. The code could be easily added to src/clj/backtype/storm/ui/core.clj
We could still have a status message in the config, which would be read by error page in ui/core.clj.
nathanmarz: Good idea. This would be in addition to a status message. We can call this "health checks."
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