New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Abandoned
IMetric and IMetricConsumer
All levels of metrics, including stream metrics, task metrics, component metrics, topology metrics, even cluster metrics, are sampled & calculated. Some metrics, e.g. ""tuple life cycle"", are very useful for debugging and finding the hotspots of a topology.
Support full metrics data. Previous metric system can only display mean value of meters/histograms, the new metric system can display m1, m5, m15 of meters, and common percentiles of histograms.
Use new metrics windows, the mininum metric window is 1 minute, thus we can see the metrics data every single minute.
Supplies a metric uploader interface, third-party companies can easily build their own metric systems based on the historic metric data.
Ideally we should have a way to display most/system metrics in the UI. IMetric is too generic to make this happen, but we cannot completely drop support for it. But perhaps we need to depricate it if the JStorm metrics are much better.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
STORM-2153 New Metrics Reporting API
- Resolved
- is part of
STORM-1319 Port JStorm features to storm
- Closed
- mentioned in
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