Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.2.0
Incorrect Behavior
The 21.string.append.cpp test has been failing a number of assertions for self-referential test cases that exercise the ability to append a substring of a string into itself using the append(InputIterator, InputIterator) member template specialization for InputIterator being an actual Input Iterator. The program below reproduces the problem in a small isolated test case.
$ cat t.cpp && gmake t && ./t #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iterator> #include <new> #include <string> void* operator new (std::size_t n) throw (std::bad_alloc) { void* const ptr = std::malloc (n + sizeof n); std::memset (ptr, -1, n); *(std::size_t*)ptr = n; return (std::size_t*)ptr + 1; } void operator delete (void *ptr) throw () { std::memset (ptr, -1, *((std::size_t*)ptr - 1)); std::free ((std::size_t*)ptr - 1); } struct InputIterator: std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, char> { const char *p_; InputIterator (const char *p): p_ (p) { } char operator* () const { return *p_; } InputIterator& operator++ () { return ++p_, *this; } InputIterator operator++ (int) { return ++p_, InputIterator (p_ - 1); } bool operator== (const InputIterator &rhs) const { return p_ == rhs.p_; } }; int main () { const char s[] = "abc"; { std::string str (s); const char* p0 = s + 1; const char* p1 = p0 + 1; const InputIterator first (p0); const InputIterator last (p1); str.append (first, last); assert ("abcb" == str); } { std::string str (s); const char* p0 = () + 1; const char* p1 = p0 + 1; const InputIterator first (p0); const InputIterator last (p1); str.append (first, last); assert ("abcb" == str); } } aCC -c -I/amd/devco/sebor/stdcxx/include/ansi -I/usr/include -D_RWSTDDEBUG -mt -D_RWSTD_USE_CONFIG -I/amd/devco/sebor/stdcxx/include -I/build/sebor/stdcxx-aCC-3.73-15D/include -I/amd/devco/sebor/stdcxx/tests/include -Aa +nostl -g +d +DD64 +w +W392 +W655 +W684 +W818 +W819 +W849 t.cpp aCC t.o -o t -L/build/sebor/stdcxx-aCC-3.73-15D/rwtest -lrwtest15D -Aa +nostl -Wl,+s -Wl,+vnocompatwarnings -mt +DD64 -L/build/sebor/stdcxx-aCC-3.73-15D/lib -Wl,+b/build/sebor/stdcxx-aCC-3.73-15D/lib:/build/sebor/stdcxx-aCC-3.73-15D/rwtest -lstd15D -lm Assertion failed: "abcb" == str, file t.cpp, line 67 ABORT instruction (core dumped)
Issue Links
- depends upon
STDCXX-170 std::string::replace (iterator, iterator, InputIterator, InputIterator) inserting self incorrect
- Reopened
- is depended upon by
STDCXX-628 21.string.append test fails
- Closed