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  1. Stanbol (Retired)
  2. STANBOL-488




    • New Feature
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.0.0
    • 1.0.0, 0.12.1
    • Enhancer
    • None


      Enhancement Properties aim to provide Chain and Request scoped configurations to EnhancementEngines.

      _IMPORTANT NOTE:_ The original discussion of this issue included API changes. Those where moved to STANBOL-1336 (part of the Stanbol Enhancer API 2.0 - STANBOL-1326). That means EnhancementProperties can be released in `0.12.1` and `1.0.0` without incompatible API changes to the Enhancement Engines interface.

      Expected use ages include:

      • parse through of user names and passwords for EnhancementEngines that depend on external services. This will allow such engines to use the user account of the the one parsing the request (request scope) or the one configuring the chain (chain configuration scope)
      • parse request specific constraints (e.g. the minimum confidence level for Enhancements). The acceptable confidence might depend on the actual context of the client application (e.g. if the user will review results or not)
      • configure dereferencing on a request bases (e.g. depending on the requirements of the UI showing the enhancement results)
      • reduce the number of configured engine instances (e.g. when specifying the minimum required confidence level for a chain or on request level one would only need a single instance of a confidence-level-filter-engine; The same would be true for dbpedia-linking engines with a different amount of suggested results)
      • mapping of HTTP header fields to enhancement properties (e.g. for using the "Content-Language" header for specifying the language of the content)


      • For the documentation see the comment with the heading 'Enhancement Properties'
      • This is not the initial description of this issue. This is important as the first 5 comments do refer to the old description. You can still read the old version by looking at the history of this issue.


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              rwesten Rupert Westenthaler
              rwesten Rupert Westenthaler
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

