Enhancement Workflow will bring the entreprise integration pattern into Stanbol.
This will allow Stanbol to :
- get data and send enhancement to any Entreprise system
- easily define complex and dynamics enhancement steps for each content.
Stanbol already have EnhancementChains (see #STANBOL-268 and #STANBOL-431), but (quoting Rupert) :
"* Enhancement-Chains as something that helps to configure the Stanbol Enhancer (semantic lifting layer) - different semantic lifting workflows
- Enhancement-workflows as something that integrates semantic lifting with the business layer - esases the integration of semantic lifting with the enterprise.
Apache Camel already provide an excellent Entreprise Integration Pattern and should be used for implementing Enhancement workflow.
An first experience on this integration was done :
And a script based draft is already here :
As part of the GSoC 2014, the new code being implemented by the Sub-Tasks can be found at