The heartbeat request of sshClient is a SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, but the default buffer of heartbeat set false (see ClientConnectService#sendHeartbeat)
The sshServer reponse the heartbeat by the KeepAliveHandler, then AbstractConnectionService #sendGlobalResponse.
boolean wantReply = buffer.getBoolean();
but if the buffer of heartbeat set false, then the sendGlobalResponse will not reponse sshClient because of the wantReply is false .(see AbstractConnectionService #globalRequest)
if (RequestHandler.Result.Replied.equals(result) || (!wantReply)) { return new AbstractIoWriteFuture(req, null) { { setValue(Boolean.TRUE); } }; }
1 、Is it a Bug(set the heartbeat buffer false default)? how the sshClient know the server is available when the server don't response.
I have test it whth create a client with params (
NIO_READ_TIMEOUT = 315)and a server, and the client will close seesion after the NIO_READ_TIMEOUT.
2、If the client reach the NIO_READ_TIMEOUT, then thows a InterruptedByTimeoutException,and close the session.But the task of heratbeat not stoped, it will continue to run even though it will not send packet.See the
ClientConnectionService #startHeartBeat
service.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::sendHeartBeat, interval, interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if the sshClient reopen a new session and close it many times,the number of invalid scheduling heartbeat task will become very large, it's not equitable.
Issue Links
- is related to
SSHD-782 Consider implementing a "reverse" keep-alive mechanism in the server
- Resolved