Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Part of CloudEra
Patch, Important
We are facing an issue with inserting emoticons into Mysql via sqoop import from Hive. Here is the full description of the problem. Please can we get some urgent help.
Error Message:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x9A\x97 \xF0...' for column 'Description' at row
nohup sqoop export -D mapreduce.job.queuename="*****" --connect "jdbc:mysql://" --username 'mysqladmin@xxx-mysql-db10' --password '*******' --table workorder_emojitest --hcatalog-database test_db -hcatalog-table workorder_test_1025 --input-fields-terminated-by , --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver >> /tmp/workorder_em.logs &
Options tried so far (none of them have worked)
Option 1 - not successful
A SerDe allows Hive to read in data from a table, and write it back out to HDFS in any custom format.
We have installed the serde jars and kepts in hive/lib location for emojis data support But it's not worked. and also we kept this serde jars in in Sqoop/lib but no luck.
Option 2 - not successful
In mySql server the emojis data types we are using var char with serde properties utf8mb4
In Hive server the emojis data types are strings with serde properties utf-8
Manually we are able to insert in my SQL server and hive server based on above properties.
Note: In MySQL server serde properties which are using utf8mb4 is 4bytes
* In hive server serde properties which are using utf8 is *3bytes
we have tried all the way to change utf8mb4 to utf8 in MySQL server but it was not supporting.
and we changed UTF-8 properties to UFT-16 in hive server and checked but no luck.
also we have modified every properties in sqoop export command and tried.
default-character-set=utf8 character-set=utf8mb4
Option 3 - not successful
We also we tried all the possible ways on MySQL side and changed MySQL properties and restarted the server.
character_set_server=utf8mb4character_set_server=utf-8character_set_connection utf-8 character-set results utf-8