When adding --append to Sqoop directory import with -Dmapreduce.output.basename, all files will be ignored, which end up nothing being imported. See below DEBUG output:
sqoop import -Dmapreduce.output.basename="eric-test" --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --password 'root' --table test --target-dir /tmp/ericlin-test/sqoop/test --fields-terminated-by '\t' --verbose --append 18/05/28 22:24:44 INFO util.AppendUtils: Appending to directory test 18/05/28 22:24:44 DEBUG util.AppendUtils: Filename: _SUCCESS ignored 18/05/28 22:24:44 DEBUG util.AppendUtils: Filename: eric-test-m-00000 ignored 18/05/28 22:24:44 DEBUG util.AppendUtils: Filename: eric-test-m-00001 ignored 18/05/28 22:24:44 DEBUG util.AppendUtils: Filename: eric-test-m-00002 ignored 18/05/28 22:24:44 DEBUG util.AppendUtils: Deleting temporary folder 14935e396acc4ea7b9a6236c66064c9b_test
This is due to AppendUtils only recognizes file name starts with "part.*-([0-9]"
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