On my cluster, I had the following as hadoop classpath when running a sqoop import command:
...:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.1-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.5/lib/hive-hcatalog/bin/hcat: Cannot find lib dir within HIVE_HOME : /home/mgrover/hive:....
Yup, that's an error message in the classpath. Now, you may wonder how that happened.
In configure-sqoop, we call (see here
hcat -classpath
However, hcat script is not perfect. It prints out error messages on stdout instead of stderr (see here and since configure-sqoop doesn't do any error checking, the error message gets appended to classpath.
I'd recommend the script to check for exit code when calling hcat -classpath and only append if the exit code is 0.