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  1. Sqoop (Retired)
  2. SQOOP-1509 Sqoop2: Sqoop2 Rest API refactoring
  3. SQOOP-1512

Refactor ConnectionRequestHandler and add ConfigurableRequestHandler



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 1.99.4
    • None
    • None


      the new JSON looks like this per connector

                  "linkConfig.jdbcProperties.help":"Enter any JDBC properties that should be supplied during the creation of connection.",
                  "fromJobConfig.partitionColumn.help":"A specific column for data partition",
                  "fromJobConfig.label":"From database configuration",
                  "fromJobConfig.schemaName.help":"Schema name to process data in the remote database",
                  "fromJobConfig.warehouse.label":"Data warehouse",
                  "linkConfig.connectionString.help":"Enter the value of JDBC connection string to be used by this connector for creating connections.",
                  "toJobConfig.tableName.label":"Table name",
                  "linkConfig.jdbcProperties.label":"JDBC Connection Properties",
                  "fromJobConfig.warehouse.help":"The root directory for data",
                  "fromJobConfig.partitionColumnNull.label":"Nulls in partition column",
                  "ignored.help":"This is completely ignored",
                  "linkConfig.jdbcDriver.help":"Enter the fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver that will be used for establishing this connection.",
                  "fromJobConfig.columns.label":"Table column names",
                  "toJobConfig.columns.label":"Table column names",
                  "fromJobConfig.partitionColumn.label":"Partition column name",
                  "toJobConfig.tableName.help":"Table name to process data in the remote database",
                  "toJobConfig.clearStageTable.label":"Clear stage table",
                  "fromJobConfig.boundaryQuery.label":"Boundary query",
                  "fromJobConfig.columns.help":"Specific columns of a table name or a table SQL",
                  "ignored.ignored.help":"This is completely ignored",
                  "toJobConfig.clearStageTable.help":"Indicate if the stage table should be cleared",
                  "toJobConfig.sql.label":"Table SQL statement",
                  "toJobConfig.stageTableName.label":"Stage table name",
                  "toJobConfig.help":"You must supply the information requested in order to create a job object.",
                  "toJobConfig.columns.help":"Specific columns of a table name or a table SQL",
                  "linkConfig.jdbcDriver.label":"JDBC Driver Class",
                  "fromJobConfig.help":"You must supply the information requested in order to create a job object.",
                  "toJobConfig.sql.help":"SQL statement to process data in the remote database",
                  "toJobConfig.label":"To database configuration",
                  "fromJobConfig.dataDirectory.help":"The sub-directory under warehouse for data",
                  "toJobConfig.schemaName.help":"Schema name to process data in the remote database",
                  "fromJobConfig.sql.help":"SQL statement to process data in the remote database",
                  "fromJobConfig.schemaName.label":"Schema name",
                  "fromJobConfig.tableName.help":"Table name to process data in the remote database",
                  "toJobConfig.stageTableName.help":"Name of the stage table to use",
                  "fromJobConfig.sql.label":"Table SQL statement",
                  "fromJobConfig.boundaryQuery.help":"The boundary query for data partition",
                  "fromJobConfig.dataDirectory.label":"Data directory",
                  "linkConfig.username.help":"Enter the username to be used for connecting to the database.",
                  "fromJobConfig.partitionColumnNull.help":"Whether there are null values in partition column",
                  "linkConfig.password.help":"Enter the password to be used for connecting to the database.",
                  "fromJobConfig.tableName.label":"Table name",
                  "toJobConfig.schemaName.label":"Schema name",
                  "linkConfig.label":"Link configuration",
                  "linkConfig.help":"You must supply the information requested in order to create a connection object.",
                  "linkConfig.connectionString.label":"JDBC Connection String"


        1. SQOOP-1512And1514.patch
          93 kB
          Veena Basavaraj
        2. SQOOP-1512And1514.patch
          110 kB
          Veena Basavaraj

        Issue Links



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