Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Check the user guide vs. a list of new APIs (classes, methods, data members) to see what items require updates to the user guide.
For each feature missing user guide doc:
- Create a JIRA for that feature, and assign it to the author of the feature
- Link it to (a) the original JIRA which introduced that feature ("related to") and (b) to this JIRA ("requires").
Note: Now that we have algorithms in which are not in spark.mllib, we should make subsections for the API as needed. We can follow the structure of the spark.mllib user guide.
- The user guide can provide: (a) code examples and (b) info on algorithms which do not exist in spark.mllib.
- We should not duplicate info in the guides. Since spark.mllib is still the primary API, we should provide links to the corresponding algorithms in the spark.mllib user guide for more info.
Issue Links
- relates to
SPARK-9706 List Binary and Source Compatibility Issues with japi-compliance checker
- Resolved
SPARK-9712 List source compatibility issues in Scala API from scaladocs
- Resolved
- requires
SPARK-7583 User guide update for RegexTokenizer
- Resolved
SPARK-7707 User guide and example code for KernelDensity
- Resolved
SPARK-7772 User guide for trees and ensembles
- Resolved
SPARK-9846 User guide for Multilayer Perceptron Classifier
- Resolved
SPARK-9888 Update LDA User Guide
- Resolved
SPARK-9890 User guide for CountVectorizer
- Resolved
SPARK-9893 User guide for VectorSlicer
- Resolved
SPARK-9895 User Guide for RFormula Feature Transformer
- Resolved
SPARK-9898 User guide for PrefixSpan
- Resolved
SPARK-9900 User Guide for Association Rule Generation
- Resolved
SPARK-9901 User guide for RowMatrix Tall-and-skinny QR
- Resolved
SPARK-9902 Add Java and Python examples to user guide for 1-sample KS test
- Resolved
SPARK-9905 User guide for LinearRegressionSummary
- Resolved
SPARK-9906 User guide for LogisticRegressionSummary
- Resolved
SPARK-9910 User guide for train validation split
- Resolved
SPARK-9911 User guide for MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
- Resolved
SPARK-9680 Update programming guide section for ml.feature.StopWordsRemover
- Resolved
SPARK-9889 DCT User Guide
- Closed
SPARK-9891 User guide for MinMaxScaler
- Closed
SPARK-9892 User Guide for StopWordsRemover
- Closed
SPARK-9897 User Guide for Multilayer Perceptron Classifier
- Closed
SPARK-9904 User guide for ML tree algorithms
- Closed