This umbrella is for a list of Python API coverage issues which we should fix for the 1.6 release cycle. This list is to be generated from issues found in SPARK-9662 and from remaining issues from 1.4: SPARK-7536.
Here we check and compare the Python and Scala API of MLlib/ML,
add missing classes/methods/parameters for PySpark.
- Missing classes for ML:
- attribute
SPARK-10025 - feature
- CountVectorizerModel
SPARK-9769 - DCT
SPARK-8472 - ElementwiseProduct
SPARK-9768 - MinMaxScaler
SPARK-8530 - SQLTransformer
SPARK-10355 - StopWordsRemover
SPARK-9679 - VectorSlicer
SPARK-9772 - IndexToString
- CountVectorizerModel
- classification
- OneVsRest
SPARK-7861 - MultilayerPerceptronClassifier
- OneVsRest
- regression
- IsotonicRegression
- IsotonicRegression
- attribute
- Missing classes for MLlib:
- fpm
- PrefixSpan
- PrefixSpan
- fpm
- Missing User Guide documents for PySpark
SPARK-8757 - Scala-Python method/parameter inconsistency check for ML & MLlib
Issue Links
- contains
SPARK-9769 Add Python API for ml.feature.CountVectorizer
- Resolved
SPARK-9774 Add Python API for ml.regression.IsotonicRegression
- Resolved
SPARK-10194 SGD algorithms need convergenceTol parameter in Python
- Resolved
SPARK-7861 Python wrapper for OneVsRest
- Resolved
SPARK-8472 Python API for DCT
- Resolved
SPARK-9679 Add python interface for ml.feature.StopWordsRemover
- Resolved
SPARK-7638 Python API for pmml.export
- Closed
SPARK-9773 Add Python API for MultilayerPerceptronClassifier
- Resolved
SPARK-10025 Add Python API for ml.attribute
- Resolved
SPARK-10028 Add Python API for PrefixSpan
- Resolved
SPARK-8530 Add Python API for MinMaxScaler
- Resolved
SPARK-9768 Add Python API for ml.feature.ElementwiseProduct
- Resolved
SPARK-9772 Add Python API for ml.feature.VectorSlicer
- Resolved
SPARK-10021 Add Python API for ml.feature.IndexToString
- Resolved
SPARK-10355 Add Python API for SQLTransformer
- Resolved
SPARK-7203 Python API for local linear algebra
- Resolved
SPARK-6100 Distributed linear algebra in PySpark/MLlib
- Resolved
SPARK-6173 Python doc parity with Scala/Java in MLlib
- Resolved
SPARK-8757 Check missing and add user guide for MLlib Python API
- Closed
- is related to
SPARK-9662 ML 1.5 QA: API: Python API coverage
- Resolved