Users are reporting that SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR is not set right in Spark 0.7.2 (see for a recent example).
A new post in reports that SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR is not set because the run script searches for the wrong filename. Here's the suggested fix in that message:
144 if [ -e "$EXAMPLES_DIR/target/scala-$SCALA_VERSION/spark-examples_"!(*sources |*javadoc) ]; then 145 # Use the JAR from the SBT build 146 export SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR=`ls "$EXAMPLES_DIR/target/scala-$SCALA_VERSION/spark-examples_"!(*sources|*javadoc).jar` 147 fi
The new part here is the addition of the underscore between "spark-examples" and the Scala version, e.g. `spark-examples_2.9.3-0.7.2.jar`.
I'm not sure whether the real problem is with the run script or the Maven or SBT assembly scripts; could someone more familiar with Spark's packaging look into this?