Status: Resolved
Resolution: Auto Closed
We can do spark-submit with one or more Python packages (.egg,.zip and .jar) by --py-files option.
zip packaging
Spark put a zip file on its working directory and adds the absolute path to Python's sys.path. When the user program imports it, zipimport is automatically invoked under the hood. That is, data-files and dynamic modules(.pyd .so) can not be used since zipimport supports only .py, .pyc and .pyo.
egg packaging
Spark put an egg file on its working directory and adds the absolute path to Python's sys.path. Unlike zipimport, egg can handle data files and dynamid modules as far as the author of the package uses pkg_resources API properly. But so many python modules does not use pkg_resources API, that causes "ImportError"or "No such file" error. Moreover, creating eggs of dependencies and further dependencies are troublesome job.
wheel packaging
Supporting new Python standard package-format "wheel" would be nice. With wheel, we can do spark-submit with complex dependencies simply as follows.
1. Write requirements.txt file.
SQLAlchemy MySQL-python requests simplejson>=3.6.0,<=3.6.5 pydoop
2. Do wheel packaging by only one command. All dependencies are wheel-ed.
$ your_pip_dir/pip wheel --wheel-dir /tmp/wheelhouse --requirement requirements.txt
3. Do spark-submit
your_spark_home/bin/spark-submit --master local[4] --py-files $(find /tmp/wheelhouse/ -name "*.whl" -print0 | sed -e 's/\x0/,/g')
If your pyspark driver is a package which consists of many modules,
1. Write for your pyspark driver package.
from setuptools import ( find_packages, setup, ) setup( name='yourpkg', version='0.0.1', packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[ 'SQLAlchemy', 'MySQL-python', 'requests', 'simplejson>=3.6.0,<=3.6.5', 'pydoop', ], )
2. Do wheel packaging by only one command. Your driver package and all dependencies are wheel-ed.
your_pip_dir/pip wheel --wheel-dir /tmp/wheelhouse your_driver_package/.
3. Do spark-submit
your_spark_home/bin/spark-submit --master local[4] --py-files $(find /tmp/wheelhouse/ -name "*.whl" -print0 | sed -e 's/\x0/,/g')
Issue Links
- is related to
SPARK-13587 Support virtualenv in PySpark
- In Progress
SPARK-16367 Wheelhouse Support for PySpark
- Resolved
- links to