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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-5510

How can I fix the spark-submit script and then running the program on cluster ?




      Reference: My Question is how can I fix the script and can submit the program to a Master from my laptop? Not submit the program from a cluster. Submit program from Node 2 is work for me.But the laptop is not!How can i do to fix ??? help!!!!!!!!!!!
      I have looked the follow Email and I accept the recommend of One - run spark-shell from a cluster node! But I want to solve the program with the recommend of 2.But I am confused..........
      Hi Ken,
      This is unfortunately a limitation of spark-shell and the way it works on the standalone mode.
      spark-shell sets an environment variable, SPARK_HOME, which tells Spark where to find its
      code installed on the cluster. This means that the path on your laptop must be the same as
      on the cluster, which is not the case. I recommend one of two things:

      1) Either run spark-shell from a cluster node, where it will have the right path. (In general
      it’s also better for performance to have it close to the cluster)

      2) Or, edit the spark-shell script and re-export SPARK_HOME right before it runs the Java
      command (ugly but will probably work).




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