Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Trying to serialize to JSON a Row containing a column of type TimestampNTZType (LocalDateTime) with methods:
def json: String = compact(jsonValue) def prettyJson: String = pretty(render(jsonValue))
Will fail with:
[FAILED_ROW_TO_JSON] Failed to convert the row value '2018-05-14T12:13' of the class class java.time.LocalDateTime to the target SQL type "TIMESTAMPNTZTYPE" in the JSON format. SQLSTATE: 2203G org.apache.spark.SparkIllegalArgumentException: [FAILED_ROW_TO_JSON] Failed to convert the row value '2018-05-14T12:13' of the class class java.time.LocalDateTime to the target SQL type "TIMESTAMPNTZTYPE" in the JSON format. SQLSTATE: 2203G at org.apache.spark.sql.Row.toJson$1(Row.scala:663) at org.apache.spark.sql.Row.toJson$1(Row.scala:651) at org.apache.spark.sql.Row.jsonValue(Row.scala:665) at org.apache.spark.sql.Row.jsonValue$(Row.scala:598) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRow.jsonValue(rows.scala:28) at org.apache.spark.sql.RowJsonSuite.$anonfun$testJson$1(RowJsonSuite.scala:41)
This happens because the toJson method inside of the class is missing a serializer for the LocalDateTime type
def toJson(value: Any, dataType: DataType): JValue = (value, dataType) match { case (null, _) => JNull case (b: Boolean, _) => JBool(b) case (b: Byte, _) => JLong(b) case (s: Short, _) => JLong(s) case (i: Int, _) => JLong(i) case (l: Long, _) => JLong(l) ...
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- is duplicated by
SPARK-50365 Row.jsonValue is not able to serialize LocalDateTime
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