Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
3.1.3, 3.2.4, 3.3.4, 3.4.3, 3.5.3
when saving big Avro file with spark, it may be extremely slow because of the "flush()" that are called many times, for each avro block ~64k of bytes.
This is especially slow on a an Hadoop VirtualFileSystem for which the flush() is really doing many things internally, in addition to reconnecting a Https connection (example: Azure Storage).
Currently, the code that implements the Avro format support is from hive-exec jar.
Here is the corresponding Jira ticket in Apache Hive:
At the lowest level, it is doing
public class AvroContainerOutputFormat { public FileSinkOperator.RecordWriter getHiveRecordWriter(JobConf jobConf, Path path, Class<? extends Writable> valueClass, boolean isCompressed, Properties properties, Progressable progressable) throws IOException { Schema schema; try { schema = AvroSerdeUtils.determineSchemaOrThrowException(jobConf, properties); } catch (AvroSerdeException var13) { AvroSerdeException e = var13; throw new IOException(e); } GenericDatumWriter<GenericRecord> gdw = new GenericDatumWriter(schema); DataFileWriter<GenericRecord> dfw = new DataFileWriter(gdw); if (isCompressed) { int level = jobConf.getInt("avro.mapred.deflate.level", -1); String codecName = jobConf.get("avro.output.codec", "deflate"); CodecFactory factory = codecName.equals("deflate") ? CodecFactory.deflateCodec(level) : CodecFactory.fromString(codecName); dfw.setCodec(factory); } dfw.create(schema, path.getFileSystem(jobConf).create(path)); return new AvroGenericRecordWriter(dfw); }
As you can see only 2 options are used from the spark->hadoop jobConf -> hive-exec to the Avro library : the schema, and the codec compression.
The Avro class "DataFileWriter" supports 2 other importants attributes, but the default value are suited only for doing small files (or kafka streaming):
public class DataFileWriter<D> implements Closeable, Flushable { private int syncInterval = 64000; private boolean flushOnEveryBlock = true;
The proposed changed is to override (upgrade?) the class in hive-exec so that these 2 attributes could be configured with better values.
DataFileWriter<GenericRecord> dfw = new DataFileWriter(gdw); Boolean flushOnEveryBlock = …. Default true … may change to false from optional conf dfw.setFlushOnEveryBlock(false); int syncInterval = 8388608; // 8mo … default 64000, and max allowed 1073741824=1go … may change from optional conf dfw.setFlushOnEveryBlock(syncInterval);