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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-47840

Remove foldable propagation across Streaming Aggregate/Join nodes




      Streaming queries with Union of 2 data streams followed by an Aggregate (groupBy) can produce incorrect results if the grouping key is a constant literal for micro-batch duration.

      The query produces incorrect results because the query optimizer recognizes the literal value in the grouping key as foldable and replaces the grouping key expression with the actual literal value. This optimization is correct for batch queries. However Streaming queries also read information from StateStore, and the output contains both the results from StateStore (computed in previous microbatches) and data from input sources (computed in this microbatch). The HashAggregate node after StateStore always reads grouping key value as the optimized literal (as the grouping key expression is optimized into a literal by the optimizer). This ends up replacing keys in StateStore with the literal value resulting in incorrect output. 

      See an example logical and physical plan below for a query performing a union on 2 data streams, followed by a groupBy. Note that the name#4 expression has been optimized to ds1. The Streaming query Aggregate adds StateStoreSave node as child of HashAggregate, however any grouping key read from StateStore will still be read as ds1 due to the optimization. 


      Optimized Logical Plan

      === Applying Rule org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.FoldablePropagation ===

      === Old Plan ===

      WriteToMicroBatchDataSource MemorySink, eb67645e-30fc-41a8-8006-35bb7649c202, Complete, 0
      +- Aggregate name#4, name#4, count(1) AS count#31L
         +- Project ds1 AS name#4
            +- StreamingDataSourceV2ScanRelationvalue#1 MemoryStreamDataSource

      === New Plan ===

      WriteToMicroBatchDataSource MemorySink, eb67645e-30fc-41a8-8006-35bb7649c202, Complete, 0
      +- Aggregate [ds1], ds1 AS name#4, count(1) AS count#31L
         +- Project ds1 AS name#4
            +- StreamingDataSourceV2ScanRelationvalue#1 MemoryStreamDataSource


      Corresponding Physical Plan

      WriteToDataSourceV2 MicroBatchWrite[epoch: 0, writer: org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.sources.MemoryStreamingWrite@2b4c6242], org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Strategy$$Lambda$3143/1859075634@35709d26
      +- HashAggregate(keys=ds1#39, functions=finalmerge_count(merge count#38L) AS count(1)#30L, output=name#4, count#31L)
         +- StateStoreSave ds1#39, state info [ checkpoint = file:/tmp/streaming.metadata-e470782a-18a3-463c-9e61-3a10d0bdf180/state, runId = 4dedecca-910c-4518-855e-456702617414, opId = 0, ver = 0, numPartitions = 5], Complete, 0, 0, 2
            +- HashAggregate(keys=ds1#39, functions=merge_count(merge count#38L) AS count#38L, output=ds1#39, count#38L)
               +- StateStoreRestore ds1#39, state info [ checkpoint = file:/tmp/streaming.metadata-e470782a-18a3-463c-9e61-3a10d0bdf180/state, runId = 4dedecca-910c-4518-855e-456702617414, opId = 0, ver = 0, numPartitions = 5], 2
                  +- HashAggregate(keys=ds1#39, functions=merge_count(merge count#38L) AS count#38L, output=ds1#39, count#38L)
                     +- HashAggregate(keys=ds1 AS ds1#39, functions=partial_count(1) AS count#38L, output=ds1#39, count#38L)
                        +- Project
                           +- MicroBatchScanvalue#1 MemoryStreamDataSource



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              bhuwan.sahni Bhuwan Sahni
              bhuwan.sahni Bhuwan Sahni
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