i have 2 data frames called lt and rt, both with same schema and only 1 row, generated separately by our own curation logic, all the columns are either String, boolean or Timestamp, i am trying to compare them, and i am running a join on two like this
var joinedDF = lt.join(rt, "Id")
after that, i am trying to compare them by schema fist and then by each column, how many % of rows are same,
code is kindof like this
for (column <- lt.schema) {
if (rt.columns.contains( &&
column.dataType == rt.schema( {
var matchCount = joinedCount
if (column.dataType.typeName == "string")
on the last line where i am running a where clause, it is throwing an error called AnalysisException Resolved attribute(s) _metadata#398 missing from ...., i don't even have this _metadata column anywhere in my dataframe at all
and i searched online people are saying it is a problem of join, i tried to change the colunm names in rt and joinedDF, both doesn't work, same error is still thrown, can anybody help here