The Structured Streaming UI is designed to be able to show a query's status (active/finished/failed) and if failed, the error message.
Due to a bug in the implementation, the error message in QueryTerminatedEvent isn't being tracked by the UI data, so in turn the UI always shows failed queries as "finished".
implicit val ctx = spark.sqlContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream spark.conf.set("spark.sql.ansi.enabled", "true") val inputData = MemoryStream[(Int, Int)] val df = inputData.toDF().selectExpr("_1 / _2 as a") inputData.addData((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 0)) val testQuery = df.writeStream.format("memory").queryName("kristest").outputMode("append").start testQuery.processAllAvailable()
Here we intentionally fail a query, but the Spark UI's Structured Streaming tab would show this as "FINISHED" without any errors, which is wrong.