when 'union all' and one select statement use Literal as column value , the other select statement has computed expression at the same column , then the whole statement will compile failed. A explicit cast will be needed.
for example:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE test.spark33_decimal_orc
select null as amt1, cast('256.99' as decimal(20,8)) as amt2
union all
select cast('200.99' as decimal(20,8))/100 as amt1,cast('256.99' as decimal(20,8)) as amt2;
will got error :
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Literal cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.AnsiCast
The SQL will need to change to :
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE test.spark33_decimal_orc
select null as amt1,cast('256.99' as decimal(20,8)) as amt2
union all
select cast(cast('200.99' as decimal(20,8))/100 as decimal(20,8)) as amt1,cast('256.99' as decimal(20,8)) as amt2;
but this is not need in spark3.2.1 , is this a bug for spark3.3.1 ?