JacksonParser's exception handle logic is different with org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.json.JsonInferSchema#infer logic, the different can be saw as below:
// code JacksonParser's parse try { Utils.tryWithResource(createParser(factory, record)) { parser => // a null first token is equivalent to testing for input.trim.isEmpty // but it works on any token stream and not just strings parser.nextToken() match { case null => None case _ => rootConverter.apply(parser) match { case null => throw QueryExecutionErrors.rootConverterReturnNullError() case rows => rows.toSeq } } } } catch { case e: SparkUpgradeException => throw e case e @ (_: RuntimeException | _: JsonProcessingException | _: MalformedInputException) => // JSON parser currently doesn't support partial results for corrupted records. // For such records, all fields other than the field configured by // `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` are set to `null`. throw BadRecordException(() => recordLiteral(record), () => None, e) case e: CharConversionException if options.encoding.isEmpty => val msg = """JSON parser cannot handle a character in its input. |Specifying encoding as an input option explicitly might help to resolve the issue. |""".stripMargin + e.getMessage val wrappedCharException = new CharConversionException(msg) wrappedCharException.initCause(e) throw BadRecordException(() => recordLiteral(record), () => None, wrappedCharException) case PartialResultException(row, cause) => throw BadRecordException( record = () => recordLiteral(record), partialResult = () => Some(row), cause) }
// JsonInferSchema's infer logic val mergedTypesFromPartitions = json.mapPartitions { iter => val factory = options.buildJsonFactory() iter.flatMap { row => try { Utils.tryWithResource(createParser(factory, row)) { parser => parser.nextToken() Some(inferField(parser)) } } catch { case e @ (_: RuntimeException | _: JsonProcessingException) => parseMode match { case PermissiveMode => Some(StructType(Seq(StructField(columnNameOfCorruptRecord, StringType)))) case DropMalformedMode => None case FailFastMode => throw QueryExecutionErrors.malformedRecordsDetectedInSchemaInferenceError(e) } } }.reduceOption(typeMerger).toIterator }
They should have the same exception handle logic, otherwise it may confuse user because of the inconsistency.