When running any aggregate function, without any grouping keys, on a table with a single bucket, multiple rows are returned.
This happens because the aggregate function satisfies the `AllTuples` distribution, no `Exchange` will be planned, and the bucketed scan will be disabled.
sql( """ |CREATE TABLE t1 (`id` BIGINT, `event_date` DATE) |USING PARQUET |CLUSTERED BY (id) |INTO 1 BUCKETS |""".stripMargin) sql( """ |INSERT INTO TABLE t1 VALUES(1.23, cast("2021-07-07" as date)) |""".stripMargin) sql( """ |INSERT INTO TABLE t1 VALUES(2.28, cast("2021-08-08" as date)) |""".stripMargin) assert(sql("select sum(id) from t1 where id is not null").count == 1)