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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-35262

Memory leak when dataset is being persisted



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.1.1
    • None
    • SQL
    • None


      If a Java- or Scala-application with SparkSession runs a long time and persists a lot of datasets, it can crash because of a memory leak.
      I've noticed the following. When we have a dataset and persist it, the SparkSession used to load that dataset is cloned in CacheManager, and this clone is added as a listener to `listenersPlusTimers` in `ListenerBus`. But this clone isn't removed from the list of listeners after that, e.g. unpersisting the dataset. If we persist a lot of datasets, the SparkSession is cloned and added to `ListenerBus` many times. This leads to a memory leak since the `listenersPlusTimers` list become very large.

      I've found out that the SparkSession is cloned is CacheManager when the parameters `spark.sql.sources.bucketing.autoBucketedScan.enabled` and `spark.sql.adaptive.enabled` are true. The first one is true by default, and this default behavior leads to the problem. When auto bucketed scan is disabled, the SparkSession isn't cloned, and there are no duplicates in ListenerBus, so the memory leak doesn't occur.

      Here is a small Java application to reproduce the memory leak: https://github.com/iamelin/spark-memory-leak


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              iamelin Igor Amelin
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              6 Start watching this issue

