Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
shaneknapp as we discussed on the mailing list Minikube can be upgraded to the latest (v1.18.1) and kubernetes version should be v1.17.3 (`minikube config set kubernetes-version v1.17.3`).
Here is my PR which uses a new method to configure the kubernetes client. Thanks in advance to use it for testing on the Jenkins after the Minikube version is updated.
Added by Shane:
we also need to move from the kvm2 virtualization layer to docker. docker is a recommended driver w/the latest versions of minikube, and this will allow devs to more easily recreate the minikube/k8s env on their local workstations and run the integration tests in an identical environment as jenkins.
the TL;DR is that upgrading to docker works, except that the PV integration tests are failing due to a couple of possible reasons:
1) the 'spark-kubernetes-driver' isn't properly being loaded (
2) during the PV test run, the error message 'Given path (/opt/spark/pv-tests/tmp4595937990978494271.txt) does not exist' shows up in the logs. however, the mk cluster does mount successfully to the local bare-metal filesystem and if i 'minikube ssh' in to it, i can see the mount and read/write successfully to it (
i could really use some help, and if it's useful, i can create some local accounts manually and allow ssh access for a couple of people to assist me.