Dropping a column from a dataset of v2 `DESCRIBE TABLE` fails with:
Resolved attribute(s) col_name#102,data_type#103 missing from col_name#29,data_type#30,comment#31 in operator !Project [col_name#102, data_type#103]. Attribute(s) with the same name appear in the operation: col_name,data_type. Please check if the right attribute(s) are used.; !Project [col_name#102, data_type#103] +- LocalRelation [col_name#29, data_type#30, comment#31]
The code below demonstrates the issue:
val tbl = s"${catalogAndNamespace}tbl" withTable(tbl) { sql(s"CREATE TABLE $tbl (c0 INT) USING $v2Format") val description = sql(s"DESCRIBE TABLE $tbl") val noComment = description.drop("comment") }