Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
3.0.2, 3.1.1, 3.2.0
The example below portraits the issue:
1. Create a source table:
spark-sql> CREATE TABLE src_tbl (c0 int, part int) USING hive PARTITIONED BY (part); spark-sql> INSERT INTO src_tbl PARTITION (part=0) SELECT 0; spark-sql> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'src_tbl' PARTITION (part=0); default src_tbl false Partition Values: [part=0] Location: file:/Users/maximgekk/proj/load-data-refresh-cache/spark-warehouse/src_tbl/part=0 ...
2. Load data from the source table to a cached destination table:
spark-sql> CREATE TABLE dst_tbl (c0 int, part int) USING hive PARTITIONED BY (part); spark-sql> INSERT INTO dst_tbl PARTITION (part=1) SELECT 1; spark-sql> CACHE TABLE dst_tbl; spark-sql> SELECT * FROM dst_tbl; 1 1 spark-sql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/Users/maximgekk/proj/load-data-refresh-cache/spark-warehouse/src_tbl/part=0' INTO TABLE dst_tbl PARTITION (part=0); spark-sql> SELECT * FROM dst_tbl; 1 1
The last query does not show recently loaded data from the source table.
Issue Links
- is cloned by
SPARK-34262 ALTER TABLE .. SET LOCATION doesn't refresh v1 table cache
- Resolved
- links to
(2 links to)