In --SPARK-33460
there is a bug as follow.
GetMapValueUtil generated code error when ANSI mode is on
s"""throw new NoSuchElementException("Key " + $eval2 + " does not exist.");"""
should be
s"""throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("Key " + $eval2 + " does not exist.");"""
But Why are
checkExceptionInExpression[Exception](expr, errMsg)
and sql/testOnly org.apache.spark.sql.SQLQueryTestSuite – -z ansi/map.sql
can't detect this Bug
it's because
1. checkExceptionInExpression is some what error, too. it should wrap with
withSQLConf(SQLConf.CODEGEN_FACTORY_MODE.key like CheckEvalulation, AND WE SHOULD FIX this later.
2. SQLQueryTestSuite ansi/map.sql failed to detect because of the ConstantFolding rules, it is calling eval instead of code gen in this case
Issue Links
- causes
SPARK-33948 ExpressionEncoderSuite failed in spark-branch-3.1-test-maven-hadoop-*-jdk-*-scala-2.13
- Resolved
- links to