This ticket aims at fixing corner-case bugs in the `QueryPlan#transformUpWithNewOutput` that is used to propagate updated `ExprId`s in a bottom-up way. Let's say we have a rule to simply assign new `ExprId`s in a projection list like this;
case class TestRule extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.transformUpWithNewOutput { case p @ Project(projList, _) => val newPlan = p.copy(projectList = { _.transform { // Assigns a new `ExprId` for references case a: AttributeReference => Alias(a, }}.asInstanceOf[Seq[NamedExpression]]) val attrMapping = newPlan -> attrMapping } }
Then, this rule is applied into a plan below;
(3) Project [a#5, b#6] +- (2) Project [a#5, b#6] +- (1) Project [a#5, b#6] +- LocalRelation <empty>, [a#5, b#6]
In the first transformation, the rule assigns new `ExprId`s in `(1) Project` (e.g., a#5 AS a#7, b#6 AS b#8). In the second transformation, the rule corrects the input references of `(2) Project` first by using attribute mapping given from `(1) Project` (a#5->a#7 and b#6->b#8) and then assigns new `ExprId`s (e.g., a#7 AS a#9, b#8 AS b#10). But, in the third transformation, the rule fails because it tries to correct the references of `(3) Project` by using incorrect attribute mapping (a#7->a#9 and b#8->b#10) even though the correct one is a#5->a#9 and b#6->b#10.