Currently, we have a v2 adapter for v1 catalog (V2SessionCatalog), all the table/namespace commands can be implemented via v2 APIs.
Usually, a command needs to know which catalog it needs to operate, but different commands have different requirements about what to resolve. A few examples:
- DROP NAMESPACE: only need to know the name of the namespace.
- DESC NAMESPACE: need to lookup the namespace and get metadata, but is done during execution
- DROP TABLE: need to do lookup and make sure it's a table not (temp) view.
- DESC TABLE: need to lookup the table and get metadata.
For namespaces, the analyzer only needs to find the catalog and the namespace name. The command can do lookup during execution if needed.
For tables, mostly commands need the analyzer to do lookup.
Note that, table and namespace have a difference: DESC NAMESPACE testcat works and describes the root namespace under testcat, while DESC TABLE testcat fails if there is no table testcat under the current catalog. It's because namespaces can be named [], but tables can't. The commands should explicitly specify it needs to operate on namespace or table.
In this Pull Request, we introduce a new framework to resolve v2 commands:
parser creates logical plans or commands with UnresolvedNamespace/UnresolvedTable/UnresolvedView/UnresolvedRelation. (CREATE TABLE still keeps Seq[String], as it doesn't need to look up relations)
analyzer converts
- UnresolvedNamespace to ResolvesNamespace (contains catalog and namespace identifier)
- UnresolvedTable to ResolvedTable (contains catalog, identifier and Table)
- UnresolvedView to ResolvedView (will be added later when we migrate view commands)
- UnresolvedRelation to relation.
an extra analyzer rule to match commands with V1Table and converts them to corresponding v1 commands. This will be added later when we migrate existing commands
planner matches commands and converts them to the corresponding physical nodes.
We also introduce brand new v2 commands - the comment syntaxes to illustrate how to work with the newly added framework.
Details about the comment syntaxes:
As the new design of catalog v2, some properties become reserved, e.g. location, comment. We are going to disable setting reserved properties by dbproperties or tblproperites directly to avoid confliction with their related subClause or specific commands.
They are the best practices from PostgreSQL and presto.