When you try the following snippet in hive/console.
val data = sc.parallelize(Seq("""{"key.number1": "value1", "key.number2": "value2"}""")) jsonRDD(data).registerAsTable("jt") hql("select `key.number1` from jt")
You will find the name of key.number1 cannot be resolved.
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: Unresolved attributes: 'key.number1, tree:
Project ['key.number1]
Subquery jt
SparkLogicalPlan (ExistingRdd [key.number1#8,key.number2#9], MappedRDD[17] at map at JsonRDD.scala:37)
Note that when we fix this we should also fix the qualifiedName functions for attributes and table names.
Issue Links
- duplicates
SPARK-6898 Special chars in column names is broken
- Resolved
- is related to
SPARK-2760 Caching tables from multiple databases does not work
- Resolved
SPARK-2063 Creating a SchemaRDD via sql() does not correctly resolve nested types
- Resolved