this is a corner case of SPARK-21657.
we have a case where we want to explode array inside a struct and also keep some other columns of the struct. we again encounter a huge performance issue.
reconstruction code:
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(("1", Array.fill(M)({ val i = math.random (i.toString, (i + 1).toString, (i + 2).toString, (i + 3).toString) })))).toDF("col", "arr") .selectExpr("col", "struct(col, arr) as st") .selectExpr("col", "st.col as col1", "explode(st.arr) as arr_col") df.write.mode("overwrite").save("/tmp/blah")
a workaround is projecting before the explode:
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(("1", Array.fill(M)({ val i = math.random (i.toString, (i + 1).toString, (i + 2).toString, (i + 3).toString) })))).toDF("col", "arr") .selectExpr("col", "struct(col, arr) as st") .withColumn("col1", $"st.col") .selectExpr("col", "col1", "explode(st.arr) as arr_col") df.write.mode("overwrite").save("/tmp/blah")
in this case the optimization done in SPARK-21657:
// prune unrequired references case p @ Project(_, g: Generate) if p.references != g.outputSet => val requiredAttrs = p.references -- g.producedAttributes ++ g.generator.references val newChild = prunedChild(g.child, requiredAttrs) val unrequired = g.generator.references -- p.references val unrequiredIndices = newChild.output.zipWithIndex.filter(t => unrequired.contains(t._1)) .map(_._2) p.copy(child = g.copy(child = newChild, unrequiredChildIndex = unrequiredIndices))
doesn't work because `p.references` has whole the `st` struct as reference and not just the projected field.
this causes the entire struct including the huge array field to get duplicated as the number of array elements.
I know this is kind of a corner case but was really non trivial to understand..
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