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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-25155

Streaming from storage doesn't work when no directories exists



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • 2.3.1
    • None
    • None


      I have an issue related `org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.FileInputDStream` method `findNewFiles`.

      Streaming for the giving path suppose to pickup new files only ( based on the previous run timestamp ). However the code in Spark will first obtain directories, then for each directory will find new files. Here is the relevant code:

      val directoryFilter = new PathFilter

      {   *override def* accept(path: Path): Boolean = fs.getFileStatus(path).isDirectory }

      val directories = fs.globStatus(directoryPath, directoryFilter).map(_.getPath)

      val newFiles = directories.flatMap(dir =>

        fs.listStatus(dir, newFileFilter).map(_.getPath.toString))


      This is not optimized, as it always requires two accesses.  In addition this seems to be  buggy

      I have an S3 bucket “mydata” with  objects “a.csv”, “b.csv”. I noticed that   fs.globStatus(“[s3a://mydata/], directoryFilter).map(_.getPath) returned 0 directories and so “a.csv”, “b.csv” were not picked by Spark.

      I tried to make path as “[s3a://mydata/*]” and it didn't worked also.

      I experienced the same problematic behavior with the file system when tried to stream from “/Users/streaming/*”

       I suggest to change the code in Spark so it will perform first list without directoryFilter, which seems not needed at all. The code could  be

      val directoriesOrfiles = fs.globStatus(directoryPath).map(_.getPath)

      The flow would be ( for each entry in  directoriesOrfiles )

      • If data object: Spark will apply newFileFilter on the returned objects
      • If directory: then the existing  code will perform additional listing at the directory level

      This way it will pick up files from the root of path and the content of directories




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            gvernik Gil Vernik
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