I think I found a really ugly bug in spark when performing aggregations with Decimals
To reproduce:
val df ="attached file") val first_agg = fact_df.groupBy("id1", "id2", "start_date").agg(mean("projection_factor").alias("projection_factor")) val second_agg = first_agg.groupBy("id1","id2").agg(max("projection_factor").alias("maxf"), min("projection_factor").alias("minf"))
First aggregation works fine the second aggregation seems to be summing instead of max value. I tried with spark 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 same problem.
The dataset as circa 800 Rows and the projection_factor has values from 0 until 100. the result should not be bigger that 5 but with get 265820543091454.... as result back.
As Code not 100% the same but I think there is really a bug there:
BigDecimal [] objects = new BigDecimal[]{ new BigDecimal(3.5714285714D), new BigDecimal(3.5714285714D), new BigDecimal(3.5714285714D), new BigDecimal(3.5714285714D)}; Row dataRow = new GenericRow(objects); Row dataRow2 = new GenericRow(objects); StructType structType = new StructType() .add("id1", DataTypes.createDecimalType(38,10), true) .add("id2", DataTypes.createDecimalType(38,10), true) .add("id3", DataTypes.createDecimalType(38,10), true) .add("id4", DataTypes.createDecimalType(38,10), true); final Dataset<Row> dataFrame = sparkSession.createDataFrame(Arrays.asList(dataRow,dataRow2), structType); System.out.println(dataFrame.schema());; final Dataset<Row> df1 = dataFrame.groupBy("id1","id2") .agg( mean("id3").alias("projection_factor"));; final Dataset<Row> df2 = df1 .groupBy("id1") .agg(max("projection_factor"));;
The df2 should have:
+------------+----------------------+ | id1|max(projection_factor)| +------------+----------------------+ |3.5714285714| 3.5714285714| +------------+----------------------+
instead it returns:
+------------+----------------------+ | id1|max(projection_factor)| +------------+----------------------+ |3.5714285714| 0.00035714285714| +------------+----------------------+