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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-23995

initial job has not accept any resources and executor keep exit



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • 2.3.0
    • None
    • Deploy


      I have a spark cluster using cloud resource in two instances. One as master and one as worker. The total resource is 4 cores and 10G ram. I can start shell, and worker can register successfully.But when I run simple code.

      The error from shell is:

      TaskSchedulerImpl:66 - Initial job has not accept any resources.

      master log:


      // code placeholder
      2018-04-12 13:09:14 INFO Master:54 - Registering app Spark shell 2018-04-12 13:09:14 INFO Master:54 - Registered app Spark shell with ID app-20180412130914-0000 2018-04-12 13:09:14 INFO Master:54 - Launching executor app-20180412130914-0000/0 on worker worker-20180411144020-192.**.**.**-44986 2018-04-12 13:11:15 INFO Master:54 - Removing executor app-20180412130914-0000/0 because it is EXITED 2018-04-12 13:11:15 INFO Master:54 - Launching executor app-20180412130914-0000/1 on worker worker-20180411144020-192.**.**.**-44986 2018-04-12 13:13:16 INFO Master:54 - Removing executor app-20180412130914-0000/1 because it is EXITED 2018-04-12 13:13:16 INFO Master:54 - Launching executor app-20180412130914-0000/2 on worker worker-20180411144020-192.**.**.**-44986 2018-04-12 13:15:17 INFO Master:54 - Removing executor app-20180412130914-0000/2 because it is EXITED 2018-04-12 13:15:17 INFO Master:54 - Launching executor app-20180412130914-0000/3 on worker worker-20180411144020-192.**.**.**-44986 2018-04-12 13:16:15 INFO Master:54 - Removing app app-20180412130914-0000 2018-04-12 13:16:15 INFO Master:54 - 192.**.**.**:39766 got disassociated, removing it. 2018-04-12 13:16:15 INFO Master:54 - IP:39928 got disassociated, removing it. 2018-04-12 13:16:15 WARN Master:66 - Got status update for unknown executor app-20180412130914-0000/3

      Worker log:


      // code placeholder
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  Worker:54 - Asked to launch executor    app-20180412130914-0000/0 for Spark shell
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls to: root
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls to: root
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls groups to: 
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls groups  to: 
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions:    Set(root); groups with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(root); groups with modify permissions: Set()
      2018-04-12 13:09:12 INFO  ExecutorRunner:54 - Launch command: "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144/bin/java" "-cp" "/opt/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/conf/:/opt/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/*" "-Xmx1024M" "-Dspark.driver.port=39928" "org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend" "--driver-url" "spark://CoarseGrainedScheduler@IP:39928" "--executor-id" "0" "--hostname" "192.**.**.**" "--cores" "4" "--app-id" "app-20180412130914-0000" "--worker-url" "spark://Worker@192.**.**.**:44986"
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  Worker:54 - Executor app-20180412130914-0000/0 finished with state EXITED message Command exited with code 1 exitStatus 1
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  Worker:54 - Asked to launch executor app-20180412130914-0000/1 for Spark shell
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls to: root
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls to: root
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls groups to: 
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls groups to: 
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions: Set(root); groups with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(root); groups with modify permissions: Set()
      2018-04-12 13:11:13 INFO  ExecutorRunner:54 - Launch command: "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144/bin/java" "-cp" "/opt/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/conf/:/opt/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/*" "-Xmx1024M" "-Dspark.driver.port=39928" "org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend" "--driver-url" "spark://CoarseGrainedScheduler@spark-master.novalocal:39928" "--executor-id" "1" "--hostname" "192.**.**.**" "--cores" "4" "--app-id" "app-20180412130914-0000" "--worker-url" "spark://Worker@192.**.**.**:44986"
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  Worker:54 - Executor app-20180412130914-0000/1 finished with state EXITED message Command exited with code 1 exitStatus 1
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  Worker:54 - Asked to launch executor app-20180412130914-0000/2 for Spark shell
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls to: root
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls to: root
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls groups to: 
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls groups to: 
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  SecurityManager:54 - SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions: Set(root); groups with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(root); groups with modify permissions: Set()
      2018-04-12 13:13:15 INFO  ExecutorRunner:54 - Launch command: "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144/bin/java" "-cp" "/opt/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/conf/:/opt/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/*" "-Xmx1024M" "-Dspark.driver.port=39928" "org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend" "--driver-url" "spark://CoarseGrainedScheduler@spark-master.novalocal:39928" "--executor-id" "2" "--hostname" "192.**.**.**" "--cores" "4" "--app-id" "app-20180412130914-0000" "--worker-url" "spark://Worker@192.**.**.**:44986"
      2018-04-12 13:15:16 INFO  Worker:54 - Executor app-20180412130914-0000/2 finished with state EXITED message Command exited with code 1 exitStatus 1

      Key words:

      exitStatus 1







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