Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
We just upgraded from 2.2 to 2.3 and our test suite caught this error:
case class TestData(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) val frame = session.createDataset(Seq(TestData(1, 2, 3), TestData(4, 5, 6))).cache() val group1 = frame.groupBy("x").agg(min(col("y")) as "value") val group2 = frame.groupBy("x").agg(min(col("z")) as "value") group1.union(group2).show() // +---+-----+ // | x|value| // +---+-----+ // | 1| 2| // | 4| 5| // | 1| 2| // | 4| 5| // +---+-----+ group2.union(group1).show() // +---+-----+ // | x|value| // +---+-----+ // | 1| 3| // | 4| 6| // | 1| 3| // | 4| 6| // +---+-----+
The error disappears if the first data frame is not cached or if the two group by's use separate copies. I'm not sure exactly what happens on the insides of Spark, but errors that produce incorrect results rather than exceptions always concerns me.