print(spark.sql(""" SHOW CREATE TABLE test.trends """).collect()[0].createtab_stmt) /// OUTPUT CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `test`.`trends`(`id` string COMMENT '', `metric` string COMMENT '', `amount` bigint COMMENT '') COMMENT '' PARTITIONED BY (`date` string COMMENT '') ROW FORMAT SERDE '' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'serialization.format' = '1' ) STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxx' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'transient_lastDdlTime' = '1519729384', 'last_modified_time' = '1519645652', 'last_modified_by' = 'pavlo', 'last_castor_run_ts' = '1513561658.0' ) spark.sql(""" DESCRIBE test.trends """).collect() // OUTPUT [Row(col_name='id', data_type='string', comment=''), Row(col_name='metric', data_type='string', comment=''), Row(col_name='amount', data_type='bigint', comment=''), Row(col_name='date', data_type='string', comment=''), Row(col_name='# Partition Information', data_type='', comment=''), Row(col_name='# col_name', data_type='data_type', comment='comment'), Row(col_name='date', data_type='string', comment='')] spark.sql("""alter table test.trends change column id id string comment 'unique identifier'""") spark.sql(""" DESCRIBE test.trends """).collect() // OUTPUT [Row(col_name='id', data_type='string', comment=''), Row(col_name='metric', data_type='string', comment=''), Row(col_name='amount', data_type='bigint', comment=''), Row(col_name='date', data_type='string', comment=''), Row(col_name='# Partition Information', data_type='', comment=''), Row(col_name='# col_name', data_type='data_type', comment='comment'), Row(col_name='date', data_type='string', comment='')]
The strange is that I've assigned comment to the id field from hive successfully, and it's visible in Hue UI, but it's still not visible in from spark, and any spark requests doesn't have effect on the comments.