Here is the test snippet.
scala> Seq[(Integer, Integer)]( | (1, 1), | (1, 3), | (2, 3), | (3, 3), | (4, null), | (5, null) | ).toDF("key", "value").createOrReplaceTempView("src") scala> sql( | """ | |SELECT MAX(value) as value, key as col2 | |FROM src | |GROUP BY key | |ORDER BY value desc, key | """.stripMargin).show +-----+----+ |value|col2| +-----+----+ | 3| 3| | 3| 2| | 3| 1| | null| 5| | null| 4| +-----+----+
Here is the explain output :
== Parsed Logical Plan == 'Sort ['value DESC NULLS LAST, 'key ASC NULLS FIRST], true +- 'Aggregate ['key], ['MAX('value) AS value#9, 'key AS col2#10] +- 'UnresolvedRelation `src` == Analyzed Logical Plan == value: int, col2: int Project [value#9, col2#10] +- Sort [value#9 DESC NULLS LAST, col2#10 DESC NULLS LAST], true +- Aggregate [key#5], [max(value#6) AS value#9, key#5 AS col2#10] +- SubqueryAlias src +- Project [_1#2 AS key#5, _2#3 AS value#6] +- LocalRelation [_1#2, _2#3]
The sort direction should be ascending for the 2nd column. Instead its being changed
to descending in Analyzer.resolveAggregateFunctions.
The above testcase models TPCDS-Q71 and thus we have the same issue in Q71 as well.