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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-19273

Stage is not retay when shuffle file is lost



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • 2.1.0
    • None
    • SQL


      Execute "insert into table select * from a join b on a.xx = b.xx". In Shuffle stage ,we delete shuffle file, shuffle stage will not retry and job fail because task fail 4 times.

      create two external table use tpcds:

      create external table date_dim
      d_date_sk int,
      d_date_id string,
      d_date string,
      d_month_seq int,
      d_week_seq int,
      d_quarter_seq int,
      d_year int,
      d_dow int,
      d_moy int,
      d_dom int,
      d_qoy int,
      d_fy_year int,
      d_fy_quarter_seq int,
      d_fy_week_seq int,
      d_day_name string,
      d_quarter_name string,
      d_holiday string,
      d_weekend string,
      d_following_holiday string,
      d_first_dom int,
      d_last_dom int,
      d_same_day_ly int,
      d_same_day_lq int,
      d_current_day string,
      d_current_week string,
      d_current_month string,
      d_current_quarter string,
      d_current_year string
      row format delimited fields terminated by '|'
      location 'path1';
      create external table web_sales
      ws_sold_date_sk int,
      ws_sold_time_sk int,
      ws_ship_date_sk int,
      ws_item_sk int,
      ws_bill_customer_sk int,
      ws_bill_cdemo_sk int,
      ws_bill_hdemo_sk int,
      ws_bill_addr_sk int,
      ws_ship_customer_sk int,
      ws_ship_cdemo_sk int,
      ws_ship_hdemo_sk int,
      ws_ship_addr_sk int,
      ws_web_page_sk int,
      ws_web_site_sk int,
      ws_ship_mode_sk int,
      ws_warehouse_sk int,
      ws_promo_sk int,
      ws_order_number int,
      ws_quantity int,
      ws_wholesale_cost float,
      ws_list_price float,
      ws_sales_price float,
      ws_ext_discount_amt float,
      ws_ext_sales_price float,
      ws_ext_wholesale_cost float,
      ws_ext_list_price float,
      ws_ext_tax float,
      ws_coupon_amt float,
      ws_ext_ship_cost float,
      ws_net_paid float,
      ws_net_paid_inc_tax float,
      ws_net_paid_inc_ship float,
      ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax float,
      ws_net_profit float
      row format delimited fields terminated by '|'
      location 'path2';

      then execute sql like this:

      create table web_sales1
      ws_sold_date_sk int,
      ws_sold_time_sk int,
      ws_ship_date_sk int,
      ws_item_sk int,
      ws_bill_customer_sk int,
      ws_bill_cdemo_sk int,
      ws_bill_hdemo_sk int,
      ws_bill_addr_sk int,
      ws_ship_customer_sk int,
      ws_ship_cdemo_sk int,
      ws_ship_hdemo_sk int,
      ws_ship_addr_sk int,
      ws_web_page_sk int,
      ws_web_site_sk int,
      ws_ship_mode_sk int,
      ws_warehouse_sk int,
      ws_promo_sk int,
      ws_order_number int,
      ws_quantity int,
      ws_wholesale_cost float,
      ws_list_price float,
      ws_sales_price float,
      ws_ext_discount_amt float,
      ws_ext_sales_price float,
      ws_ext_wholesale_cost float,
      ws_ext_list_price float,
      ws_ext_tax float,
      ws_coupon_amt float,
      ws_ext_ship_cost float,
      ws_net_paid float,
      ws_net_paid_inc_tax float,
      ws_net_paid_inc_ship float,
      ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax float,
      ws_net_profit float
      partitioned by (ws_sold_date string)
      stored as parquet;

      set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
      set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
      set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=100;
      set spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold = 1;
      insert overwrite table web_sales1 partition (ws_sold_date)
      dd.d_date as ws_sold_date
      from tpcds_text.web_sales ws
      join tpcds_text.date_dim dd
      on (ws.ws_sold_date_sk = dd.d_date_sk);

      after map stage, delete executor shuffle file, the job will fail. log is:

      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 37.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 52, xk3, executor 6, partition 37, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 38.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 49) on xk3, executor 6: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 1]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 38.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 53, xk3, executor 2, partition 38, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 39.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 50) on xk3, executor 2: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 2]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 39.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 54, xk3, executor 3, partition 39, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 40.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 51) on xk3, executor 3: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 3]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 40.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 55, xk3, executor 6, partition 40, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 37.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 52) on xk3, executor 6: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 4]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 37.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 56, xk2, executor 4, partition 37, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 34.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 45) in 1209 ms on xk2 (executor 4) (35/200)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 41.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 57, xk3, executor 3, partition 41, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 39.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 54) on xk3, executor 3: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 5]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 39.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 58, xk3, executor 2, partition 39, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 38.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 53) on xk3, executor 2: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 6]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 38.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 59, xk2, executor 1, partition 38, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 30.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 41) in 2224 ms on xk2 (executor 1) (36/200)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 42.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 60, xk2, executor 4, partition 42, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 37.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 56) on xk2, executor 4: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 7]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 37.3 in stage 8.0 (TID 61, xk3, executor 3, partition 37, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 41.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 57) on xk3, executor 3: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 8]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 41.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 62, xk3, executor 6, partition 41, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 40.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 55) on xk3, executor 6: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 9]
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 40.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 63, xk2, executor 4, partition 40, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:49 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 42.0 in stage 8.0 (TID 60) on xk2, executor 4: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 10]
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 42.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 64, xk2, executor 1, partition 42, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 38.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 59) on xk2, executor 1: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 11]
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 38.3 in stage 8.0 (TID 65, xk3, executor 6, partition 38, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 41.1 in stage 8.0 (TID 62) on xk3, executor 6: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 12]
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 41.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 66, xk3, executor 2, partition 41, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 39.2 in stage 8.0 (TID 58) on xk3, executor 2: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 13]
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 39.3 in stage 8.0 (TID 67, xk3, executor 3, partition 39, NODE_LOCAL, 7416 bytes)
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO TaskSetManager: Lost task 37.3 in stage 8.0 (TID 61) on xk3, executor 3: org.apache.spark.SparkException (Task failed while writing rows.) [duplicate 14]
      17/01/18 16:28:50 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 37 in stage 8.0 failed 4 times; aborting job
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO YarnScheduler: Cancelling stage 8
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO YarnScheduler: Stage 8 was cancelled
      17/01/18 16:28:50 INFO DAGScheduler: ResultStage 8 (processCmd at CliDriver.java:377) failed in 13.292 s due to Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 37 in stage 8.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 37.3 in stage 8.0 (TID 61, xk3, executor 3): org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task failed while writing rows.
      at org.apache.spark.sql.hive.SparkHiveDynamicPartitionWriterContainer.writeToFile(hiveWriterContainers.scala:328)
      at org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution.InsertIntoHiveTable$$anonfun$saveAsHiveFile$3.apply(InsertIntoHiveTable.scala:210)
      at org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution.InsertIntoHiveTable$$anonfun$saveAsHiveFile$3.apply(InsertIntoHiveTable.scala:210)
      at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:87)
      at org.apache.spark.scheduler.Task.run(Task.scala:99)
      at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$TaskRunner.run(Executor.scala:322)
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
      Caused by: org.apache.spark.shuffle.FetchFailedException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /srv/BigData/hadoop/data1/nm/localdir/usercache/super/appcache/application_1484570747988_0012/blockmgr-3c7cc8f2-a11e-4fd4-b671-b8c7db6132ca/32/shuffle_1_1_0.index (No such file or directory)




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