The first three test cases fail due to a crash in hive client when dropping partitions that don't contain files. The last one deletes too many files due to a partition case resolution failure.
test("foo") { withTable("test") { spark.range(10) .selectExpr("id", "id as A", "'x' as B") .write.partitionBy("A", "B").mode("overwrite") .saveAsTable("test") spark.sql("insert overwrite table test select id, id, 'x' from range(1)") assert(spark.sql("select * from test").count() == 1) } } test("bar") { withTable("test") { spark.range(10) .selectExpr("id", "id as A", "'x' as B") .write.partitionBy("A", "B").mode("overwrite") .saveAsTable("test") spark.sql("insert overwrite table test partition (a, b) select id, id, 'x' from range(1)") assert(spark.sql("select * from test").count() == 1) } } test("baz") { withTable("test") { spark.range(10) .selectExpr("id", "id as A", "'x' as B") .write.partitionBy("A", "B").mode("overwrite") .saveAsTable("test") spark.sql("insert overwrite table test partition (A, B) select id, id, 'x' from range(1)") assert(spark.sql("select * from test").count() == 1) } } test("qux") { withTable("test") { spark.range(10) .selectExpr("id", "id as A", "'x' as B") .write.partitionBy("A", "B").mode("overwrite") .saveAsTable("test") spark.sql("insert overwrite table test partition (a=1, b) select id, 'x' from range(1)") assert(spark.sql("select * from test").count() == 10) } }
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