When using saveAsTable in append mode, data will be written to the wrong location for non-managed Datasource tables. The following example illustrates this.
It seems somehow pass the wrong table path to InsertIntoHadoopFsRelation from DataFrameWriter. Also, we should probably remove the repair table call at the end of saveAsTable in DataFrameWriter. That shouldn't be needed in either the Hive or Datasource case.
scala> spark.sqlContext.range(100).selectExpr("id", "id as A", "id as B").write.partitionBy("A", "B").mode("overwrite").parquet("/tmp/test") scala> sql("create table test (id long, A int, B int) USING parquet OPTIONS (path '/tmp/test') PARTITIONED BY (A, B)") scala> sql("msck repair table test") scala> sql("select * from test where A = 1").count res6: Long = 1 scala> spark.sqlContext.range(10).selectExpr("id", "id as A", "id as B").write.partitionBy("A", "B").mode("append").saveAsTable("test") scala> sql("select * from test where A = 1").count res8: Long = 1
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