Derby-based Hive metastore using WINUTILS.exe and hive.exec.scratchdir, hive.exec.local.scratchdir and hive.metastore.warehouse.dir with "C:\" paths works fine in Spark 2.0.0.
However, Spark 2.0.1 throws a "No FileSystem for scheme: C" at "at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.getFileSystemClass("
Changing changing hive-site.xml to use a "file:///c:\" path instead fixes this issue but throws a "Unable to create log directory file:///C:\" at "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState.start(" error instead.
One note: This last exception I've seen associated when users don't run WINUTILS.exe to set the permissions. Therefore, it makes me think that it is possible that WINUTILS.exe might not support file:/// paths
Issue Links
- duplicates
SPARK-15899 file scheme should be used correctly
- Resolved