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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-16208

Add `PropagateEmptyRelation` optimizer



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.1.0
    • SQL
    • None


      This issue adds a new logical optimizer, `PropagateEmptyRelation`, to collapse a logical plans consisting of only empty LocalRelations.

      *Optimizer Targets*

      1. Binary(or Higher)-node Logical Plans

      • Union with all empty children.
      • Join with one or two empty children (including Intersect/Except).
        2. Unary-node Logical Plans
      • Project/Filter/Sample/Join/Limit/Repartition with all empty children.
      • Aggregate with all empty children and without AggregateFunction expressions, COUNT.
      • Generate with Explode because other UserDefinedGenerators like Hive UDTF returns results.

      *Sample Query*

      WITH t1 AS (SELECT a FROM VALUES 1 t(a)),
           t2 AS (SELECT b FROM VALUES 1 t(b) WHERE 1=2)
      SELECT a,b
      FROM t1, t2
      WHERE a=b
      GROUP BY a,b
      HAVING a>1
      ORDER BY a,b


      scala> sql("with t1 as (select a from values 1 t(a)), t2 as (select b from values 1 t(b) where 1=2) select a,b from t1, t2 where a=b group by a,b having a>1 order by a,b").explain
      == Physical Plan ==
      *Sort [a#0 ASC, b#1 ASC], true, 0
      +- Exchange rangepartitioning(a#0 ASC, b#1 ASC, 200)
         +- *HashAggregate(keys=[a#0, b#1], functions=[])
            +- Exchange hashpartitioning(a#0, b#1, 200)
               +- *HashAggregate(keys=[a#0, b#1], functions=[])
                  +- *BroadcastHashJoin [a#0], [b#1], Inner, BuildRight
                     :- *Filter (isnotnull(a#0) && (a#0 > 1))
                     :  +- LocalTableScan [a#0]
                     +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(cast(input[0, int, false] as bigint)))
                        +- *Filter (isnotnull(b#1) && (b#1 > 1))
                           +- LocalTableScan <empty>, [b#1]


      scala> sql("with t1 as (select a from values 1 t(a)), t2 as (select b from values 1 t(b) where 1=2) select a,b from t1, t2 where a=b group by a,b having a>1 order by a,b").explain
      == Physical Plan ==
      LocalTableScan <empty>, [a#0, b#1]


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              dongjoon Dongjoon Hyun
              dongjoon Dongjoon Hyun
              0 Vote for this issue
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