The TLP site could need some logo updates, and I feel that the TLP site should better reflect that it is a Project and not a Product site. As it is now it looks almost identical to the Lucene-Java site. Would be nice to start from scratch, alternatively fix the old one.
Option A: New responsive TLP site
Create a super clean new TLP site with responsive design. Content could be limited to describing the three sub projects with logo, short presentation, download button and link to product sites. Perhaps also promote the community in form of some auto-updated stats (active committers, ML activity, link to last board report?). No slideshow, no endless news, no duplicate menus...
Option B: Refresh the existing site
- The top branding contains a Lucene+ASF logo. Make a new top with the brand new ASF feather logo, Lucene logo and Solr logo
- Replace old orange Solr logo in slideshow with the new red one
- Color scheme is the Lucene pale green, same as for Lucene-core. Choose another color scheme for the TLP!
- Remove the discontinued OpenRelevance project from top menu and intro bullet list. Keep a link "OpenRelevance (discontinued)" in right-menu?
- Color of the Solr Download button should be changed to Solr-RED™
- Likewise, color of the Lucene Download button could take Lucene-GREEN™ ?
- Main title says Welcome to Apache Lucene. Perhaps it should say Welcome to Apache Lucene/Solr?
- Update the slide show images and texts to better describe the project as of 2016...
Issue Links
- is related to
LUCENE-7001 Update Lucene + Solr website's "develop-resources" pages to show Git/Github URLs instead of the outdated SVN ones
- Open