I needed to change some of the default behaviour of the DismaxQParser, so as opposed to infecting the solr codebase with our custom behaviour, I wanted to be able to subclass the DismaxQParser and change only what we wanted to change.
Here I submit a patch that allows for such subclassing. The change that is done to the code base in the following steps:
1. refactor in the DismaxQParser.parse() method to
addMainQuery(query, solrParams);
addBoostQuery(query, solrParams);
addBoostFunctions(query, solrParams);
2. refactor the addMainQuery() method to use
getUserQuery(userQuery, up, solrParams)
getPhraseQuery(userQuery, pp)
3. move the DismaxQParser to the top-level to make it public (and allow subclassing)
After applying this change I can to as follows:
1. write my own QParserPlugin to return a subclass of the DismaxQParser
2. in this subclass I override the the methods I need, in my case the getUserQuery() method.
3. add this plugin to the solrconfig.xml and use it
the patch is done against the Solr svn trunk