A little background: 1 core solr-cloud cluster across 3 nodes, each with its own shard and each shard with a single replica hence each replica is itself a leader.
For reasons we won't get into, we witnessed a shard go down in our cluster. We restarted the cluster but our core/shards still did not come back up. After inspecting the logs, we found this:
015-01-21 15:51:56,494 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - We are and leader is 2015-01-21 15:51:56,496 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - No LogReplay needed for core=xyzcore baseURL= 2015-01-21 15:51:56,496 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - I am the leader, no recovery necessary 2015-01-21 15:51:56,496 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - publishing core=xyzcore state=active collection=xyzcore 2015-01-21 15:51:56,497 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - numShards not found on descriptor - reading it from system property 2015-01-21 15:51:56,498 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - publishing core=xyzcore state=down collection=xyzcore 2015-01-21 15:51:56,498 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] INFO cloud.ZkController - numShards not found on descriptor - reading it from system property 2015-01-21 15:51:56,501 [coreZkRegister-1-thread-2] ERROR core.ZkContainer - :org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Cannot publish state of core 'xyzcore' as active without recovering first! at
And at this point the necessary shards never recover correctly and hence our core never returns to a functional state.