Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
A query using the Solr dismax query parser does not match anymore after I've added another field to the qf parameter. I'd expect that an additional field in the qf parameter would not lead to fewer matches.
Test setup
A document with rather strange content in a field "name_tokenized" of type "text_general":
abc_<iframe src='loadLocale.js' onload='javascript:document.XSSed="name"' width=0 height=0>
can be found when using the following dismax query with qf set to field "name_tokenized" only:
When submitting exactly the same query but with an additional field "feederstate" of type "string" in the qf parameter, I don't get any results.
The decoded value of q is:
abc_<iframe src='loadLocale.js' onload='javascript:document.XSSed="name"'
and it seems the trailing single-quote causes problems here. (In fact, I can find the document when I remove the last char)
The parsed query for the latter case is
( +(( DisjunctionMaxQuery((feederstate:abc_<iframe | ((name_tokenized:abc_ name_tokenized:iframe)^2.0))~0.1) DisjunctionMaxQuery((feederstate:src='loadLocale.js' | ((name_tokenized:src name_tokenized:loadlocale.js)^2.0))~0.1) DisjunctionMaxQuery((feederstate:onload='javascript:document.XSSed= | ((name_tokenized:onload name_tokenized:javascript:document.xssed)^2.0))~0.1) DisjunctionMaxQuery((feederstate:name | name_tokenized:name^2.0)~0.1) DisjunctionMaxQuery((feederstate:')~0.1) )~5) DisjunctionMaxQuery((textbody:"abc_ iframe src loadlocale.js onload javascript:document.xssed name" | name_tokenized:"abc_ iframe src loadlocale.js onload javascript:document.xssed name"^2.0)~0.1) )/no_coord
I've configured the called search handler with <str name="mm">100%</str> so that all of the 5 dismax queries at the top must match. But this one does not match: DisjunctionMaxQuery((feederstate:')~0.1)
(All mentioned field types are taken from the example schema.xml.)
Issue Links
- duplicates
SOLR-3085 New edismax param mm.autoRelax to aid in fixing the dismax/edismax stopwords mm issue
- Resolved